Consider Your Road Conditions
Choosing the right replacement grader blade (cutting edge) is all about the condition of the roads you are grading.
Are the roads high traffic areas that need constant attention? Do your roads tend to develop washboards and potholes often? Are your roads in good shape, but they require a bit of maintenance?
If you need to fix your roads more often because they develop ruts, washboards, and potholes; you need replacement grader blades (cutting edges) that cut through packed material and reshape the road rather than cover up the imperfections.
Serrated or toothed grader cutting edges tend to be better for cutting through the road, but the most important factors are how thin and durable your cutting edges are. If you need to cut out road imperfections often, look for the thinnest/sharpest and most durable grader blades available. If you're looking to simply stay on top of road maintenance instead of completely reshaping the road, it is typically better to use a flat edge blade. It is still important that your flat edges are sharp and durable.
Determine the Moisture Content of the Road Material
It is easier to fix and level your road if the material has a higher moisture content. The moisture provides a lubricant that helps your cutting edge cut through potholes and washboards more easily. While it is easier to grade under wet conditions, some traditional blades aren't made to cut and smooth wetter material properly. For wetter conditions, find a blade that is not going to make the material clump or ball up. Use a toothed or serrated grader cutting edge that will break the material up when cutting the road.
Estimate How Many Hours You Will Be Grading
The amount of road you need to repair will determine the wear life you need out of your grader blade. Cutting edges are designed to operate under certain conditions. Although not always the case, one will pay more for long lasting replacement grader blades. Make sure you consider how much time you will be out grading. If you are out working on roads day in and day out, consider buying a cutting edge with a longer wear life. It will save you money and time in the end.
Don't Try to Get By With One Grader Blade; Cutting Edges Are Designed For Specific Purposes
There are many blades that both fix and maintain roads, but few blades do both of those well. Most cutting edges are designed to operate under specific conditions. It never hurts to have a couple different blade styles on hand. We suggest finding one blade that is made for cutting and fixing the road. Then find another replacement grader blade that is meant for maintaining the road.
Check out the Sharq Edges system. The Sharq system is the complete toolbox of cutting edges for all road conditions (summer and winter).